

Mar 23, 2024

Update: York Fire Continues to Burn, Monsoon Moisture Helps Efforts

The York Fire is currently 82,437 acres with 30% containment, 8,288 acres are in Clark County, Nevada. The recent increase in precipitation has led to moderate fire behavior, but drying conditions are on the horizon so the multi-agency response units including National Park Service, BLM, United States Forest Service, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, San Bernadino County Fire Protection District, and Clark County Fire are remaining vigilant in their containment efforts. Clark County Fire remains focused on protecting the residential areas of Nipton and Searchlight, but there are no threats to structures at this time and no plans to issues any evacuation orders. The fire has started to recede from Nevada, but changing weather conditions are being monitored. The full update from BLM can be found here: